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Full Quiet

Full Quiet

Console: Nintendo Entertainment System
TV Standard: Other
Release Date: 2022-11-01
Players: 1
Co-op: No
ESRB: Not Rated
Type: Adventure, Horror, Virtual Console
Full Quiet titlescreenFull Quiet screenshot

The dawn's first light, crisp air and pancakes... a morning like any other. As you enter your son's room you find it ransacked, the window wide open, he is gone. Strange footprints little the floor... Who, or what, could have taken him?

Suddenly, your mind races back to when Joesph's nightmares began, just after Pap took him into the forest to meet his ham radio buddies. The stories they all told about what they encountered out there fill your mind with dread.

You must find him!

In this open-world game of survival, mystery and adventure you must learn how Pap and his buddies maintained their radio grid, protected the lands they now walk and silenced the forest.