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Mad Mix Game

Mad Mix Game

Console: Sinclair ZX Spectrum
TV Standard: Region Not Set
Developer(s): Topo Soft
Publisher(s): Erbe Software, S.A.
Release Date: 1988-01-01
Players: 1
Co-op: No
ESRB: Not Rated
Type: Puzzle

Pepsi Cola and U.S. Gold combine forces to provide you with one of the
most compelling and addictive games ever released. A colourful
extravaganza of ghouls and demons with a little 21st Century trickery
thrown in. There's hardly a second to spare as you try to out manoeuvre
the outrageous behaviour of the inhabitants of PEPSI VILLAGE, a city
where anything is possible, 15 pulsating levels ensure you'll be at your
wits' end as your changeable persona meets with the metamorphosis of your
adversaries to fulfil the excitement created by the Pepsi Challenge
Mad Mix Game.

As far as Mad was concerned life was going nowhere. Bored, with
few friends, he was always on the lookout for a good time but he still
lacked something. His father had told him many stories of his
grandfather, the great Mad Elder, the most successfulI of his Pepsiman
family at the gruelling task of dealing with the prowling house ghosts.
Which to the embarassment of Mad had not been continued by his

Then it happened, ghosts started to appear, spreading destruction and
panic throughout the entire Pepsivillage. In desparation the mayor of
the beleagured little town turned to Mad's father for help. However, to
the astonishment of everyone, father Mad admitted that he had always
been afraid of ghosts and would have to decline.

Mad, incensed by his father, decided instantly that it was time to follow
in his grandfather's footsteps in what must be the most dangerous
Pepsiman Challenge...

The challenge is to guide the Pepsiman through each of the fifteen
mazes in turn, dodging ghosts and other evil creatures. Use skill and
timing to take advantage of all the special features secreted throughout
each maze, because only a combination of these will aIlow you to be


Commodore 64/128 Cassette

Press SHIFT and RUN/STOP keys simultaneously. Press PLAY on
the cassette recorder.

Commodore 64/128 Disk

Turn on the computer, insert disk and type LOAD"*",8,1 and press
the RETURN key. The game will load and run automatically.

Spectrum 48/128K, +2 Cassette

Type LOAD"" and press ENTER. Press PLAY on the cassette
recorder. The program will load automatically.

Amstrad CPC Cassette

Press CTRL and small ENTER keys simutaneously. Press PLAY on
the cassette recorder.

Amstrad CPC Disk

Type RUN"DISK and press the ENTER key. The game will load and run

MSX Cassette

Type RUN"CAS:" and press ENTER. Press PLAY on the cassette

Atari ST Disk

Insert disk and turn on computer. The game will load and run

F1 - Keyboard Control.
F2 - Joystick Control.

The Good Guys

Move the Pepsiman around the maze consuming the spheres
that lie along the pathways as you go, On ce you have cleared
all of these from the maze you go on to the next, more difficult
stage. Be careful, the Pepsiman can be destroyed by the
slightest touch from most of his enemies. So avoid them while
you are in this form.

As you move around the maze you will come across differently
shaped icons. Eating these will transform you temporarily into
one of the characters that follow.

If the Pepsiman is guided over one of these icons he will be
transformed into an angry Pepsiman. Once transformed he
has the ability to chase after and eat most enemies giving you
a large bonus. Take care though - the Pepsiman will revert
back to his original form after a limited amount of time.

Eating this icon will transform the Pepsiman into a
Pepsipotamus. In this form you will be able to squash any
enemy that crosses your path. This form is particularly useful
in dispatching two rather mean creatures, the REPUGNANT
and the LADYBOTHER. (See Bad Guys Section.)

This character is used to 'unclamp` the spheres the Repugnant
has passed over. (See Bad Guys Section). Simply move the
Pepsidigger over the affected spheres to unclamp them. When
you then revert back to Pepsiman you will be able to reach
them. In this form you are just as vulnerable to destruction as
the Pepsiman, so take care.

You do not have to eat an icon to transform to this form. As
you travel through the maze you will come across a set of rails.
Simply move the Pepsiman onto the rails and he will
automatically transform into the Pepsiship. Though movement
is limited to two directions (left and right) any enemy that
appears on the screen can be destroyed by firing the Pepsiship's

The Pepsitank is very similar to the Pepsiship in operation, the
differences being it can only move in one direction (arrows
indicate the direction) but you can shoot the bad guys in two
directions (left and right).

The Bad Guys

These entities wander the passageways of each of the mazes.
If they touch the Pepsiman or the Pepsidigger you will lose a
life. The ghosts can be destroyed by using the angry Pepsiman,
the Pepsipotamus, the Pepsiship or the Pepsitank.

This creature spends its time scurrying around the passageways.
Though it isn't dangerous, its one irritating quality is that it
replaces the spheres already eaten. Therefore you have to
back track eating the replaces spheres exposing you to more
danger. It can be destroyed by every character except the Pepsiman.

This creature is the worst of the bad guys you`ll encounter. The
Repugnant wanders around the mazes 'clamping' the spheres
you have yet to eat. The only way to unclamp the spheres is
to find the appropriate icon and transform into the Pepsidigger.
(See Good Guys Section.)

Special Features

When you move the Pepsiman over one of these squares, he
will automatically follow the indicator arrows shown in a
pre-defined pattern.

This special type of door can be found along various
passageways in some of the mazes. The door takes the form
of an 'L' shape which, if approached in the right direction,
will allow you to push the door down and 'flip' up a second door
behind you sealing off the previous section of passageway.
These prove particularly useful when evading destruction from
pursuing enemies, but conversely can be just as deadly if you
approach the munder the same circumstances from the wrong

You can use either keyboard or joystick. The pre-defined keyboard
commands are as follows:

Left - O, Right - P, Up - Q, Down - A, Fire SPACE BAR.

These keys can bechanged using the option "REDEFINE KEYS" which
is found on the main menu. (Spectrum/Amstrad only)

Try to use the Angry Pepsiman only when it is absolutely necessary as
there are only a limited number of the appropriate icon within the
maze. In this way you will have a better chance of complefing each
maze as well as gaining a large amount of bonus points.

The Pepsiship and Pepsitank are a good refuge from marauding ghosts
and creatures. Take care though; as you start to fire your enemies will
hide and lie in wait until you emerge again.

On some of the higher levels you will haveto enter the ghost generator
to eat spheres that have appeared there. Be extremely careful because
if you are killed in there, it will be virtually impossible to escape to

Finally, try not to enter the Auto Squares Area unless you are sure that
your exit from it is clear.

(C) 1988 Toposoft. All rights reserved. Manufactured and distributed
under license from Toposoft by U.S. Gold Ltd., Units 2/3 Holford Way,
Holford, Birmingham B6 7AX. Tel: 021 356 3388

Pepsi(r) is a registered trademark, No. 1521219. Used with permission
from Pepsi-Cola (Overseas) Ltd.

A copyright subsists on this program. Unauthorised broadcasting,
diffusion, public performance, copying or re-recording, hiring, leasing,
renting and selling under any exchange or re-purchase scheme in any
manner is prohibited.