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APF-MP1000 Specifications

Manufacturer: APF Electronics Inc
Developer: APF Electronics Inc
CPU: Motorola 6800 (8 bit) @ 0.895 MHz (3.579 MHz oscillator divided by 4)
Memory: 1 KB RAM
Graphics: Motorola MC-6847 Video Display Generator
Sound: One channel, 5 octaves
Display: 256x192 in 4 colours, 128x192 in 8 colours

The APF Microcomputer System is a second generation 8-bit cartridge-based home video game console released in October 1978 by APF Electronics Inc. with six cartridges. The console is often referred to M-1000 or MP-1000, which are the two model numbers of the console. The APF-MP1000 comes built-in with the game Rocket Patrol. The APF-MP1000 is a part of the APF Imagination Machine. The APF-MP1000 and the APF Imagination Machine were developed in part by the noted engineer Ed Smith.

It is the successor to the APF TV Fun line of first generation consoles.

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