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BBC Bridge Companion

BBC Bridge Companion

BBC Bridge Companion Specifications

Manufacturer: Heber
Developer: BBC Enterprises Ltd, Unicard Ltd
CPU: Zilog Z80A @ 3.579 MHz
Memory: 2kB SRAM, 16kB VRAM, 16kB ROM
Graphics: Texas Instruments TMS9129NL
Medium: ROM cartridge
Display: 280×216, 8 colours

The BBC Bridge Companion was an 8-bit video game console designed specifically for teaching and playing bridge, and it was produced by BBC Enterprises Ltd. The console was released in 1985 in the UK and retailed for £199.99 at the time.

The console featured a built-in computer program that allowed users to learn and play bridge at various levels of difficulty, with both the bidding and playing phases of the game supported. It also included a number of interactive features, such as the ability to replay hands and review past games.

While the BBC Bridge Companion was not a commercial success and is relatively rare today, it remains an interesting historical footnote in the development of educational and entertainment technology.

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